Step 1: Date your Marlin 336 using the button below.
Step 2: Choose a scope from the year your Marlin 336 was built, or later.
Marlin 336 Scope Favorites
Step 3: Choose your Redfield, Weaver, or Buehler rings and bases.
Redfield Top Mounting
(Bases: Select JR 336 for IER or 336-R for receiver mounts from Dropdown Menu on product page)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med. for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Weaver Top Mounting
(Bases: Choose Weaver Top Mount Base 63, 63A, or 63B from product page below)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med. for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Weaver Pivot Mounting (Swing Away to Access Iron Sights)
(Base: Select 163A from the dropdown menu on product page below)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Buehler Mounting
(Bases: Select Code 21 or 21-U from the dropdown menu on product page below)
(Rings: Code 6 for under 40mm obj. Code 7 for 40-48mm obj. Code 8 for 48-56 Obj.)
With Color Case Hardened Weaver Pivot Rings, tipped to the side.
Color Case Hardened accents and Pivot Mount Rings

With Weaver Pivot Mount
Weaver Detachable Top Mount 3/4” Large Thumbscrew Rings
Weaver Detachable Top Mount 3/4” Large Thumbscrew Rings
Weaver Detachable Top Mount 1” Large Thumbscrew Rings
Redfield Barrel Base
Redfield IER Barrel Base Mount
Redfield 1” 6-Screw Rings and JR Base
Kwik Site See-Thru Mount
Pachmayr Lo-Swing Side Mount
Flipped to illustrate alternate use of iron sights