Step 1: Date your Savage 99 using the button below.
Step 2: Choose a scope from the year your Savage 99 was built, or later.
Savage 99 Scope Favorites
Step 3: Choose your Redfield, Weaver or Stith rings and bases.
Redfield Top Mounting (For Drilled Receivers)
(Bases: Select JR 99 from Dropdown Menu on product page)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med. for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Weaver Top Mounting (For Drilled Receivers)
(Bases: Choose Weaver Top Mount Base 14 and 19 from product page below)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med. for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Weaver Pivot Mounting (Swing Away to Access Iron Sights)(For Drilled Receivers)
(Base: Select 114 and 119 from the dropdown menu on product page below)
(Rings: Low for under 40mm obj. Med. for 40-48mm obj. High for 50-56 Obj.)
Griffin and Howe
Rings and dovetail clamps only. No side plates.
Stith Mounts (For undrilled receivers)
Circa 1936 with Griffin and Howe side mount and Lyman Alaskan Scope.
Griffin and Howe Side Mount
An upgraded 1930’s Savage 99 with Leather Cheek pad/cartridge holder and VGS restored/reglassed Weaver 330c.
Circa 1934. VGS Restored, Reglassed, CCH 330 Click in VGS Color Case Hardened Sniper Rings.

Beautiful Savage 99 with Weaver B Mounts.

Weaver K2.5 60B in Stith Mount.

Weaver K2.5 with Redfield Patent Base JR 99 and 6 screw rings.