Weaver K6 Series Restoration Service. K6, K6-60B

Weaver K6 Series Restoration Service. K6, K6-60B

from $399.00

Send us your Weaver K6, K6-60 or K6-60B ONLY. We will disassemble, inspect, re-laminate lenses if necessary, clean, re-assemble, nitrogen process and re-blue the tube. If there are internal parts broken we will contact you to discuss price, etc. before continuing.

Send scopes in a box that you do not need back: Vintage Gun Scopes, 1070 Tired Iron Road, Corvallis, MT, 59828. Please be sure to include your return shipping address as well as email and phone number so we know who the scope belongs to and can send it back when finished.

If sending multiple scopes, please include descriptions for each.

Today’s expected ship time: 6 months

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