Redfield 2-piece base with integral rings.

Redfield 2-piece base with integral rings.


Aluminum. Packaging varies.

Please see list below for specific application before choosing a base from the drop-down menu.

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For models:

FFV Huskvarna; IR HC, 517136
Harrington and Richardson 301, 333 and 270; IR 300, 517125
Harrington and Richardson 317; IR 317, 517132
Harrington and Richardson Ultra-Auto; IR H&R, 517122
Mossberg 800; IR 800, 517124
Remington 788 LA/SA LH/RH Extra LA; IR 788, 517130
Rugr M77; IR M77, 517127
Win 270 through 300 Win Mag.; IR 300, 517125