Weaver J-1 Special Shotgun Scope. 3/4". Near Mint. Crosshair. _DSC1783.JPG

Weaver J-1 Special Shotgun Scope. 3/4". Near Mint. Crosshair.

Weaver 1x. 3/4". c.1953-47. Very Good, Crosshair Dot. _DSC1951.JPG

Weaver 1x. 3/4". c.1953-47. Very Good, Crosshair Dot.

Weaver J1 Special. 3/4". Mint, Crosshair. _DSC3537.JPG

Weaver J1 Special. 3/4". Mint, Crosshair.

_DSC1951.JPG _DSC1950.JPG

Weaver 1x. 3/4". c.1935-47. Crosshair

from $449.00
_DSC7333.JPG _DSC7331.JPG

Weaver K2.5 with Litschert Spot Shot Booster. 1". c.1949-55. Good, Crosshair.

_DSC7338.JPG _DSC7336.JPG

Weaver K4 with Litschert Varmint Master Booster. 1". c.1949-55. Very Good, Crosshair.
