Introducing Restored Weaver K4 and K6 Exposed Adjustment Scopes!
Front: Weaver K4 exposed adjustment. Rear: Weaver K6 exposed adjustments. c.1947-49
During WWII the Weaver factory closed down to the public to focus 100% of its resources on the war effort. When they opened back up in 1947, sportsman enjoyed optics the likes of which they had never seen before. Although it was WWII and not the revolutionary war, we understand that the independence which our founding fathers won for us has been defended many times since, in several wars and countless political upheavals.
Today we gratefully wish everyone a happy Independence Day. And to celebrate the event we decided to announce the next in our line of fully restored Weaver scopes. The first scopes out of the post war factory; the Weaver K4 and K6 exposed adjustment scopes. We are offering these scopes in very limited supply at
1947 Weaver K6 exposed adjustment on a Winchester Model 70.